
The Major League Bucks property is made up of ideal northern whitetail habitat. It is the perfect mix of hardwood ridges, swamps, river bottoms, pines, thickets, food plots and ag fields. We try to keep our herd numbers low to not stress the property and let it get over browsed. By doing this, we have many areas too thick to even hunt. This allows our bucks to always have a place where they can feel safe and have the same movement routines seen in any fair chase situation. Most of your hunt will concentrate on food sources and funnels between food sources and bedding areas. We have heated blinds, both on the ground and elevated, as well as ladder stands and hang-ons.

Our brand new lodge, complete with everything you could possibly want at a hunting camp, will be finished this fall. It will have a great feel for a small group or individuals, while at the same time being big enough to host larger groups.

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Jarrod Washburn, Owner
[email protected]

10003 Olinger Road
Webster, WI 54893
715-866-8811 fax

Todd Main, Farm Manager